Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prince Charles Loves Vintage? Who Knew?

The Royal Prince of Wales recently revealed in the September issue of Vogue that if people “knew how much of what I wear is many years, even decades, old” they would not necessarily call him fashionable as they often do. His take that “vintage clothes and upcycling” (taking old clothes and refurbishing them) contribute to the growing worldwide effort to recycle and “tread lightly on the planet” was frankly a bit surprising coming from someone who could afford to buy the ultimate haute couture pieces.

The Royal Prince is also currently promoting the use of natural fibers in clothing such as wool in hopes that consumers will lean toward buying fibers that are natural and not synthetic fibers like those made from oil.

We may be contributing to the preservation of the planet in some small way by buying rare and unique vintage pieces, but doing so doesn't always come cheap. Surely Prince Charles must know that Princess Diana’s vintage black iconic dress recently sold at auction for over $296,000. But whoever bought it knows it’s worth every royal penny.