1. Dress for the job you want and not the job you have.
It may be a little touchy to completely out-dress your boss, but it is important to project a confident appearance at work. Set your sights on the next job you want and dress as though you already have it.
2. Think about your brand.
Unfortunately--or fortunately--depending on how you look at it, we all project an image, or our brand, to others. What is your brand at your workplace? Well dressed and polished or slouchy and too casual? In an age where flip-flops and capris have taken over some offices on casual Friday days, you may want to reconsider the casual wear before you get flip-flopped right out of that promotion.
3. Consider quality over quantity.
Nowadays it's very easy to spend twenty-five dollars here, thirty-five dollars there on clothes, and then you come home and feel like you bought nothing and have nothing to wear! Those trendy clothes purchases you may be making can add up fast, and often fall into the "disposable clothing" category since they are too trendy and too ill-fitting to wear from year to year. Consider investing in fewer, yet higher quality, vintage designer pieces that don't go out of style each year and continue to look great year after year.
4. Reward yourself for your hard work.
We women sometimes embrace this strange notion that we don't deserve to spend money on ourselves. We put everyone else first and feel guilty when we shop. Been there? Ditch the guilt. You work hard for your money and you earn every penny. You deserve to reward yourself with a nice, quality designer piece here and there.
5. Truly consider your wardrobe an investment.
Nice designer clothes are an investment in you, an investment in your business, and an investment in where you are going in life. Think long term and enjoy your vintage designer pieces for the years to come!
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